Tuesday, 17 April 2007

SL Networking Meeting - April 2007

Provisional Agenda.

The start.

A first attempt at an agenda,
  1. Get it off your chest.
  2. Identifying common purposes between our differing projects/work placements.
  3. Identify information needs for the SL programme area placements.
  4. Review the SL programme area definitions/documents. Including how partners recruited and placement evaluation.
  5. Prepare items for the June Vols conference.
  6. Take a tour of the local projects by VSO and other organisations, one each day.
  7. UB vis-a-vie countryside SL placements. Differences and similarities in needs and challenges.
  1. Agenda item addition - Re-define the SL programme with a Logframe
  2. Agenda item addition - A session on "life skills development"
  3. Move agenda item - 2, 3 and 4. To June Vols Conference?
  4. Move agenda item - 3 to June Vols conference
  5. Agenda item addition - A session on mainstreaming disability in the SL programme.
  6. Agenda item addition - World vision provision of funds for micro enterprises. (Will need someone to track info from a chap called Tim at Vision Fund - any volunteers???)
OK guys, will need a quick response to these. Monday 23rd latest.

1 comment:

A Simple Lady said...

Hi Dave. I can volunteer for tracking info from Vision Fund if no one else volunteers to do it...
