Thursday 19 April 2007

BUMBUGUR (the purple market)

It is located west along tourist street which is a block behind the State Dept store. Walk north on the east side of the Dept. Store then turn left on tourist street, a pedestrianised area. Walk the length of the pedestrianised area, cross the next road still walking west. When you reach the corner of a high-fenced area turn right and you will see it in front of you. It has two buildings now (one on the rigth is new).

It has variety of stalls - groceries, veggies, meat, and fruits on the ground floor; dry goods on the second floor - stationery, kitchenware, bathroom items, electrical items and appliances, clothes and bags. Haggle to your heart's content!

Bit crowded. Speak in Mongolian. Closed on Mondays.

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