Thursday, 12 June 2008

SL Programme Session at Volunteer Conf 19 June

Secure Livelihoods programme session at the Vol Conference is now scheduled for next Thursday 19 June, 2.00pm-5.30pm

If you have not done so already, please put your thoughts down and send to the group here (eg. as a comment) or by any other means necessary.

As facilitator, I suggest it should be OK using A1 / A2 flipcharts with 4 colours of suitable felt tip pens. Please bring anything else you may need in order to demonstrate or present your agenda item. Any examples of the work you have done / photos you have taken, etc., would be welcome.

Any reports on your work on Mainstreaming Disability in Secure Livelihoods may be incorporated into the session with Nickson Kakiri and I about accessibility and disability in the morning session 9am-10am Thursday 19 June

VSO Mongolia and Secure Livelihoods weblink


nomadologist said...

Brian - via Ruth says;
Just a quick one in regards to the SL program at conference. I think Brian was really keen to run a section on value chain analysis. Just in case you didn't know! I could do with a lesson on value chain analysis anyways!

brian said...

5.30 pm seems a late finish, yes i will do 30 minutes on vca as eveything at MC is linked to it

brian said...

having agreed to entertain you for 30 minutes i started thinking of what to do, so a few questions: have any of you used vca in your work either in mongolia or elsewhere? and what would you like objectives of the session to be? A couple of suggestions to start:
to understand vca, to consider methods used in vca, and to understand why vca is now so fashionable in international development studies? any comments/ suggestions questions in advance would be helpful