SL Network Meeting - New PAP
- Not to include specific Water point project aims
- Include the word 'sustainable'
Objectives- Should be more focused in order to develop monitoring parameters
Strategies- Should be more specific for revised objectives.
- Should include transition strategies to phase out existing partners who do not fit the new aims and objectives.
General Points
- The reference to a pilot construction involvement be removed, as there is not intention to continue with construction even if the pilot is successful. ie needs and exit strategy for existing partners.
- Serious consideration should be given to supporting TVET short term training offered by private Mongolian companies, both in UB and the country side.
- The PAP should be reviewed in 2 years. The expertise profile of the SL prog. area will change under the new PAP. It was felt that the present members of the SL prog. area group did not have the background to comment on some of the new proposed interventions.
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