Sunday, 24 February 2008

SL Network Meeting – Millennium Challenge Briefing

An outline of the projects likely to be funded by the MCC’s $25m TVET grant was presented to the group.

The rural economic sectors to benefit from the MC’s investment in TVET line up closely with the new SL PAP’s proposals, presenting the SL programme area with opportunities to support the MC’s TVET projects and visa versa.

Given the current state of the Mongolian TVET legislation and the general election due in June 2008, the individual TVET projects are unlikely to start until well into 2009. This should provide ample opportunity for the SL programme area to become involved in the MC’s project development process, in particular with short term (also referred to as non-formal) training.

Non-formal training has a big impact on the disadvantaged and unskilled. Government funded, one to four month practical skills training allows the disadvantaged to take their first step towards full employment.

The likely partners for VSO in supporting non-formal training in rural areas are,

  • State run Vocational Training Centre’s to be part of the MC’c TVET Project
  • Local companies with in-house training facilities
  • Local private training providers.

More details from David at

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