Saturday, 17 March 2007

Voucher Training Scheme

The scheme is supported by the Employment Promotion Fund, and administed by an agency of the MLSW. The elements of the scheme are,
  1. Covers short or non formal training in hair dressing, plumbing etc.
  2. Course are for max four weeks duration.
  3. Courses funded to different values according to the skills training.
  4. Most course run by very small, private training providers.
  5. Trainees must be registered with the local agencies, ie residents.
  6. Trainees have to be registered unemployed.
  7. Trainess application must be supported by a local social worker.
Other benefits available,
  1. Trainees can apply for a grant covering 50% of food and travel costs for the training period.
If you have any additional info on the Voucher Scheme, please add a "comment" and I will edit the above.

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